Returns and Exchanges
What is your return policy?
      Any items purchased can be returned for a full refund or exchanged within a few days of the delivery date. See additional information on exchanges here.
      To receive a full refund, the original item must be in new condition and returned without:
      Signs of wear, washing
      Damage or stains
      All returned items are thoroughly inspected, and any item(s) returned in a condition deemed as no longer syllable will not be refunded.
      Note: Returned item(s) must be shipped back in the original packaging or similar packaging that will prevent item(s) from damage while in transport.
What if I need to return or exchange multiple items?
      If you would like to complete a return or exchange for multiple items, they must be shipped separately, with separate shipping labels.
Why did I receive a partial refund?
      We issue partial refunds for a variety of reasons, most commonly you may receive a partial refund for the following reasons:
      Return was received damaged
      Late orders or lost orders
      A post-purchase discount was applied to your order